Fearless innovator, insightful consumer strategist.
Savvy market resaercher, inspiring speaker, author.
She’s searched automobile interiors, photographed the contents of women’s purses, followed shoppers in grocery stores and questioned gum chewers. No, she’s not a stalker; she’s consumer strategist Kelley Styring, and her unusual activities are all part of a day’s work unearthing new information on consumers.
The founder of Newberg, Ore.-based consumer strategy and market research consultancy InsightFarm, Kelley helps her Fortune 100 clients grow their businesses by finding innovations that create new opportunities for growth. Kelley’s research and insight connects the dots between people and knowledge to identify new, or improve existing, products and services.
Kelley has also conducted syndicated studies on women’s purses and their contents, what drivers carry in their vehicles, and how consumers cope in the brave new one-handed world. Her books include In Your Purse: Archaeology of the American Handbag and In Your Car: Road Trip through the American Automobile.
A frequent speaker at industry conferences, trade shows and corporate events, Kelley’s research has also been featured in USA Today, Reuters, Advertising Age, Brandweek, Fortune, Good Morning America, Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, the U.K.’s Research, on Adam Carolla’s CarCast and on TV, radio and blog-talk radio programs throughout the United States.
Before founding InsightFarm, Kelley managed market research and introduced new products for consumer products giant Procter & Gamble. She then joined Pepsi-Co’s Frito-Lay, where she managed market research for the company’s multi-billion snack product portfolio and served as Director of Consumer Strategy and Insights. She’s also designed products for NASA and Black & Decker. Kelley earned her BS in industrial design from University of the Arts in Philadelphia and an MBA from the University of South Carolina. Her insatiable curiosity and passion for innovation developed during her Florida childhood, where she grew up inspired by the people and events that occurred where her dad worked - NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center.
Kelley makes her home in Oregon’s famed Willamette Valley wine country. In 2003, she and her husband Steve traded in their Lexus for a tractor and their suburban Dallas home for a 40-acre farm, where they have grown a boutique winery from the ground up. Styring Vineyards produces hand-crafted, award-winning wines following old world, artisan winemaking methods.
For more information, visit www.insightfarm.com.
Contact: Sandi Straetker, PRiority Public Relations LLC 513/545-7146 or sstraetker@prioritypublicrelations.com
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